Here is where you can get a little more of a peek into the heart of what we do! Enjoy visiting this page dedicated to our beautiful clients
and their unique sessions.
“The past five years have been the most difficult, most heartbreaking, and also the most formative in the story of “me” -M M had a rough time after a difficult past relationship and sexual assault. Four years ago she found the strength to remove herself from that relationship which had been so damaging to her […]
“Finding myself is my goal in life right now.” -S “I became a widow at 40, I am now 44. The last few years have been a challenge for me. I need to find the confidence and spirit that he brought out in me, I know she is in here somewhere, I just need to […]
“I just want to feel beautiful and happy even if it’s for a brief moment.” -O “I have always had low self esteem especially about my appearance. 2020 brought not only the pandemic but major life changes. I lost my job, I’m involved in a highly sensitive court case, and I just started hating myself […]
“I feel as if this opportunity might help build the extra confidence that I need.” -C “In the past 8 years I’ve struggled with my weight. I’ve lost about 40 pounds since 2012 and seem to still just not be comfortable in my skin.” -C This photoshoot was very important for “C” to help her […]
“I am working on on learning to love myself again.” -M “I have devoted my life to my kids and my husband while pushing myself aside and forgetting who I am, which means that I have struggled with body acceptance for a long time. I am working on loving all of me! Every curve, stretch […]
“I am looking to do the session for myself after losing 60 pounds, but also as a nice gift for my soon to be husband.” -K K, thank you so much for trusting me with this process! It was such a great experience working with you and I hope you and your husband both love […]
“I would definitely do something like this again.” -P “I had a really good first experience with Rebecca! Going into this I was nervous and not knowing what to do, but she made me feel confident and happy.” “It was my first time doing a photoshoot like this and I’m very happy with the results! […]
“Stretching comfort zones, to remind myself of inner confidence and radiance that is captured in boudoir photos, while life happens to present challenge after challenge this season.” -K “In anything I approach or do, I strive to add value through serving, and that’s my consistent motivation.” -K “Rebecca does an amazing job of capturing our […]
“In trying to be strong and make sure everyone else is taken care of, I have become numb to the fact that I am a beautiful, sexy woman.” -M “A few years ago I had bariatric surgery and I lost over 100 pounds! I felt better than I had in a very very long time. […]
“I’m the biggest encourager for other women to embrace themselves. This photoshoot will give me a chance to be vulnerable in a safe space.” -T “I am a woman who has experienced abuse and rape. These traumatic experiences have made me feel embarrassed and ashamed. Now I am happily married, but having been raped by […]