Here is where you can get a little more of a peek into the heart of what we do! Enjoy visiting this page dedicated to our beautiful clients
and their unique sessions.
When I arrived for this session with Rebecca, I knew her prom portraits were going to turn out gorgeous. Holly of Fantastic Finds and I met Rebecca, her mom, and her grandmother at Fantastic Finds to start the day. I did Rebecca’s makeup then we headed out for her session. We got through one dress […]
People always want to know if they can incorporate their sports and even go to the field for their senior pictures. The answer is YES! I love making your senior portraits as authentic as possible! Tyler’s turned out amazing and yours will too! Before Tyler’s sports photos we hung out in the park for some […]
Sandra, of East Lansing, opted for the EPIC session and four separate sessions for her senior pictures so we could do one in each season! It was a blast working with her in so many different locations- we were able to be super creative and give her portraits throughout her entire senior year to enjoy […]