Here is where you can get a little more of a peek into the heart of what we do! Enjoy visiting this page dedicated to our beautiful clients
and their unique sessions.
“In trying to be strong and make sure everyone else is taken care of, I have become numb to the fact that I am a beautiful, sexy woman.” -M “A few years ago I had bariatric surgery and I lost over 100 pounds! I felt better than I had in a very very long time. […]
“I’m the biggest encourager for other women to embrace themselves. This photoshoot will give me a chance to be vulnerable in a safe space.” -T “I am a woman who has experienced abuse and rape. These traumatic experiences have made me feel embarrassed and ashamed. Now I am happily married, but having been raped by […]
“I’ve been looking to do this for some time!”-C C, thank you trusting me with this process! It was so much fun working with you and giving you these beautiful photos to surprise your husband! I hope this photoshoot gave you that confidence boost you were looking for, and that you and your husband both […]
“I just want to do something for myself.”-K I was so excited to work with “K” and help her do a surprise photoshoot for her husband! This was a new experience for her since “K” has never had her hair or make-up done professionally, and has never had professional photos taken. A boudoir photoshoot was […]
“I’ve always struggled with body image issues and trying to learn to accept myself as I am no matter my weight.” -B “The only time I’ve ever done professional photos was for my senior pictures, and everything was ruined. It would be a great self esteem booster to be able to do this photoshoot.” -B […]
“After the loss of over 100 pounds, I feel confident in my own skin again.” -J Photographing “J” was so much fun and I am SO glad she chose to do a photoshoot with me! Being confident in your own skin is so important, and you can definitely feel the self love radiating through all […]
“Sometimes we see these shoots and don’t think we are good enough for them. I’m hoping seeing myself in a different light will prove those thoughts wrong.” –B “I’ve debated, scheduled, and cancelled numerous photo sessions over the years due to body image issues. I’ve been scared to see myself on the other side of […]
“Be persistent, be confident, and don’t hold on to what people say.” -Walker I have photographed Walker many times in the past and even took his high school senior portraits! Since then, he has accomplished so much and has become such a great guy! Walker said that his senior portrait experience helped shaped his self […]
“I’m working on my body confidence after years of being told I wasn’t pretty enough.” -K “I put my entire life on hold and moved to California to be with my fiancé after we graduated from graduate school with our Doctorates.” K has two Associates degrees, a Bachelor of Science degree, and a Doctorate of […]
“Large scars and all, this is the first year I’m proud of my scars and feel the most like me again.” -J “I’m a breast cancer survivor who had a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery when I was 35 years old. August 25th 2020 was my 3 year anniversary and it had taken until this […]