“Be kind to yourself. Your body is a temple and you are the goddess that resides within it.”

“I grew up bullied in every school, by many people. Even in adulthood I face bullying. I’ve always found a way to push back against them without letting the bullies see the real damage they had caused. I’m still extremely self conscious, but I work on it everyday. I’m learning everyday to embrace who I am.” -H

“After losing my mom in 2015, things got harder. I allowed myself to fall into relationships that should have never happened, but I allowed myself to believe I didn’t deserve anything different. I craved any form of companionship, no matter how toxic it was.” -H

“Now I am chasing my dreams with my own business and I found a man that treats me the way I deserve. I have risen from the ashes of the person I was and who I thought I deserved to be vs. the person I truly am inside and out. I would love to showcase who I really am.” -H

H, you are absolutely stunning! These photos capture you and your glowing personality perfectly! Thank you for trusting me with this process and letting me help you show off your true self!

To schedule a consultation and book a session of your own, please contact Rebecca Houlihan at 517-575-7339. Or email us at admin@rebeccahoulihanphotography.com
Follow us on Instagram: @rhpwomen & @rebeccahoulihanphotography