Here is where you can get a little more of a peek into the heart of what we do! Enjoy visiting this page dedicated to our beautiful clients
and their unique sessions.
Allison is a cool kid. She’s laid back, friendly, creative, as well as just plain pure joy to work with. I enjoyed every minute with her and her family. We started the day with a visit to the salon where Allison had her makeup done by Amber. She chose to go with natural hair which […]
When I arrived for this session with Rebecca, I knew her prom portraits were going to turn out gorgeous. Holly of Fantastic Finds and I met Rebecca, her mom, and her grandmother at Fantastic Finds to start the day. I did Rebecca’s makeup then we headed out for her session. We got through one dress […]
I recently visited with Gita Mahabir, the owner of Mahabir Wellness in Haslett, MI, and learned about the wonderful services she provides her clients. Read on to learn more about how Gita’s practices will benefit both your inner and outer health. In my meeting with Gita, she mentioned that since she was younger she knew […]
Dominic, from Holt, Michigan, had a senior portrait session that was so much fun. He wasn’t the type of guy who necessarily gets into being photographed (lets face it, how many guys actually WANT to be photographed… lol). He doesn’t even really dress up a lot but you wouldn’t know it from looking at these. […]
I recently had a wonderful visit with Melody Angel, founder of Art In The Wild, a non-profit focused on keeping our water clean to improve the overall quality of life within the Lansing area. Both Melody and her husband, Patrick Lindemann (Ingham County Drain Commissioner), are artists. They started Art In The Wild early in […]
I adored this session with Brianna, Lansing Catholic Central senior. Her and her mom were so upbeat, sweet, and fun, not to mention, the relationship between the two of them was one of complete love and respect. I loved helping Brianna pose for her session and find the perfect locations to use with each outfit […]
Meet one of my favorite families from our last fall season of portraits. They wanted a fall feel so we visited a nearby local park. It was a windy day, but with the tree cover we had, you would have never known it. Their family portraits turned out amazing, but I didn’t expect anything less […]
People always want to know if they can incorporate their sports and even go to the field for their senior pictures. The answer is YES! I love making your senior portraits as authentic as possible! Tyler’s turned out amazing and yours will too! Before Tyler’s sports photos we hung out in the park for some […]
Why do we create senior portraits? In my time as a portrait artist, I’ve learned from experience with my clients that high school senior portraits are some of the most valued memories parents and their kiddos have. Senior portraits take place at a unique time in life when your kiddo is basically transitioning from childhood […]
This newborn sweet pea was born on the very best possible day…. my birthday, and came to visit for her portraits! That must be the reason why we connected so perfectly and had a wonderful session for her newborn portraits. 🙂 Her mama calls her her little bunny so we just HAD to bring out […]