“The past five years have been the most difficult, most heartbreaking, and also the most formative in the story of “me” -M

M had a rough time after a difficult past relationship and sexual assault.

Four years ago she found the strength to remove herself from that relationship which had been so damaging to her self-esteem and self-love.

“Fast-forward to now…
I am in a healthy relationship with someone who values me, and who doesn’t try to have control of my mind and body. Sometimes though, I struggle to remind myself that I am not the weak, broken, and empty person that used to live everyday in fear. I am changing the narrative of my life to that of a survivor, not a victim. This photoshoot will empower me to share my story and encourage other women to do the same. I am a woman, I am strong, and I have a body that has endured abuse, loss, and heartbreak. It is not a body I feel proud of when I look in the mirror, but it is a body I feel proud of when I think of everything it has survived.” -M
M, thank you so much for sharing your story and showing other women who have experienced abuse that it is okay to share their story too. You are incredibly strong for standing up for yourself and knowing you deserve better! I am so glad you decided to do this photoshoot! I hope these photos will serve as a reminder of how amazing and beautiful you truly are!
To schedule a consultation and book a session of your own, please contact Rebecca Houlihan Photography at 517.575.7339. Or email us at admin@rebeccahoulihanphotography.com.
Follow us on Instagram: @rhpwomen and @rebeccahoulihanphotography