{Hayle} Waverly High School Senior Athlete in Old Town

For some of my seniors, they aren’t sold on the idea of getting their portraits done and that was also the case for Hayle at first. We were able to work it out and create portraits that reflected who she is perfect. She wanted her makeup to look subtle but drawing the focus on her eyes! False eyelashes were essential, so she brought those along so I could put them on for her – a fun little moment during her session! Hayle was excellent to work with and I love the way her portraits came together.

Her sports photos are my favorite – I could tell she was in her element while taking those. Senior Portraits are all about YOU and shouldn’t leaving you feeling awkward or counting down until its over. The goal is to provide you with the opportunity to relax, have fun, and show off what makes you incredible. We want our seniors to walk away feeling amazing and confident, and for their parents to have art that captures their child’s personality forever.

Give me a call today to schedule your Senior Portraits!
